YACS – Useful Links
If you are a Young Adult Carer and feel that you need to talk then please ring 01702 393933 or email us at info@southendcarers.co.uk.
If you do not want to talk to one of us at Southend Carers then you can access the following services who will provide you with information and support on a variety of topics related to mental health and well-being.
Useful Links
Here are some links that as 16-25-year old carers and individuals you may find useful when going through adulthood.
- Learning and Earning for Young Adult Carers – Provides information and guidance on how to move through to adulthood. Gives information on work, your rights, health, and well-being and more.
- Young Adult Carers Forum (16-35) – Forum to discuss any issues you may be having or somewhere to talk to other individuals who are also young adult carers (aged for 16-35).
- Funding for Driving Lessons – Provides information for funding for carers to learn how to drive if it is necessary for the carer to drive to support the individual they care for.
- https://www.sheffieldyoungcarers.org.uk/support-for-young-people/category/16-25+Age+Group Resources available to support carers aged 16-25 on health and well-being, higher education, finance, benefits and more.
- How to get help – How to access other care services.
- Move on Up Move on Up – Supported Shared Housing for Young adult carers aged 18-25 in East London.
- Providing care during the pandemic – Guidance for carers and the individuals they care for during the Coronavirus.
- https://uk.indeed.com/ – Job search engine.
- Carer’s help and support – Help and support from Citizens Advice.